Google Chrome Error ssl Server Probably Obsolete

Google Chrome is a kind of tools that are used by most of the Windows Users to browse something that they need on the internet. As we know that Chrome can give a lot of features and easiness as well that make it as one of the best browsers nowadays. However, some problems can be happened due to the usage of this Google Chrome. One of those problems is a message that shows “SSL Server probably obsolete”. Today, we will talk more about this kind of issue, including how to solve it.

What you can do then? In fact, most of the users say that they can do nothing except trying the different browser such as Internet Explorer. In fact, Google had already heard about this issue and always try to fix it and make this thing is not appearing again in their new version of Google Chrome.

Why it has happened?

If you got the Google Chrome Error SSL Server Probably obsolete problem it can be caused by some reasons. It will be harder to explain about the reason why this error happened since it is not hosted by Microsoft and some people don’t have a knowledge base for this. However, this error can be caused by some versions of the SSL encryption protocol that is used by the web servers widely to make your connection to them is secured. That is why; if you are responding to it by refusing to connect when it encounters a web server can cause the issue.

We already concluded of why the Google Chrome Error SSL Server probably obsolete. Here are the common causes:

  • You are maybe responding really strictly when it encounters a web server which as an issue. You may be refusing a connection and many more again.
  • The other cause can be a really cryptic error message that is given instead of explaining what is going on in the clearer language.

In fact, a browser also has an option to ignore the issue when it is encountered. In the other side, they also have an option to allow you for proceeding after they give you a warning which says that the issue is present.

If you experienced the same issue in related to your Google Chrome usage, here are some solutions or methods that you can try to fix this issue.


Using the Software Protection Tools

What is the software protection tool? Basically, it is a tool that can be functioned as a security agent to avoid any losses due to the intellectual properties that you have. In related to the software term, what we mean by the word “loss” here is like when someone is removing calls to the software licensing tool and many more again.

The Software Protection tools have layers of protection. Those layered protections consist of the physical and logical security aspect. In addition, this tool can give the high guidance level that can help you to avoid some common things due to your application’s licensing mechanism being compromised or bypassed.

Nowadays there are so many kinds of software protection tool that can be used by the windows users. For the Google Chrome error SSL server probably obsolete problem, you can even use this software protection tool to fix it. At least it is the solution that is reported by some users. One of the software protection tools that you can try is the Bit Defender. This tool has a relevant setting that is called the “SSL Scan’. It means that you can try it and then disable that setting.


Get a support from Google Chrome FAQ

If this problem has still existed, you can use the Google Chrome FAQ. You can get a support from that service and you can even get the more effective suggestion from some experts who are familiar enough with this kind of problem. So far, it is the easiest way that you can do to get some other different answers and solutions. You can make a question about this problem and you will get some answers to solve that problem.

Maybe, it is the easiest way that you can try if you don’t want to be annoyed by the other ways to solve this problem.


Trying to Use the other Browser

So far, it is quite difficult to find the solution for fixing this Google Chrome Error SSL Server Probably obsolete problem. There are just a few sources that talks further about this case. However, from some sources that we got, most of them will recommend you to use the other browsers rather than using Google Chrome. Some other browsers that maybe can become your references are like Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla Firefox and many more again.


Ignoring Error SSL Server Probably obsolete

Some users said that one of the best ways to solve this problem is by just ignoring it in the browser. This way is quite effective and also simple. To do this fourth method, you can try the steps below:

  1. First of all, you need to make a new shortcut for your Google Chrome. You can make it on your desktop
  2. After that, right click on it and then choose the “Properties” option.
  3. Next, look for the Shortcut tab and then add these following start-up parameter: (Target Field): –cipher-suite-blacklist=0x0039,0x0033

Example:- Local Disk (C:)>Program Files (x86)>Google>Chrome>Application>Chrome.exe –cipher-suite-blacklist=0x0039,0x0033

  1. The next thing to do is clicking the APPLY button and then open the browser from that shortcut that you have made
  2. The last thing to do is close the tab

That is it. It is done and maybe this simple method is working for you to fix the Google Chrome SSL server probably obsolete problem.

Those are the only methods and solutions that we can share about how to fix the Google Chrome SSL Server probably the obsolete problem. We hope that you find the right method for you so that you can use the Google Chrome Browser in a more comfortable way than before. Have a try!

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