Windows 10 Slower than Windows 8

There is a unique thing that sometimes happened due to the usage of the Windows 10. This thing is when the Windows 10 is slower than the Windows 8. This issue has usually happened when a user tries to update Windows 8 to the Windows 10. So, why the Windows 10 is slower than Windows 8?

This error or issue shows us an interesting fact that even with the newest hardware, you can notice that the operating system can be slow down or lag at the times where the menus open slowly, the keyboard movement or the sporadic mouse. However, there are some methods that you can try to solve the Windows 10 slower than the Windows 8 issue.

The methods below are from the Microsoft Community Forums and here are the complete descriptions about the solutions.

Changing the Initial Size and Maximum Size

If you get the slower Windows 10 performance issue, you can try to change the initial size and maximum size to the recommended file size for both of those options. Here are the instructions that you can do:

adjust the appearance for windows 10 slower performance

  1. First of all, you have to click on the START menu and then type performance
  2. After that, click on the option of “adjust the appearance” that you can see there
  3. Next, you have to go to the “Advanced Tab” and then click on the CHANGE option that you can see in the Virtual Memory Section
  4. Now, you need to UNCHECK the option that says “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives”
  5. After that, choose the C: Driver where usually the Windows 10 was installed. Then, choose the Custom Size.
  6. If you have the second hard drive, you have to disable the Page File on your C: Drive and then enable it on the second drive. Then, set that one to the Custom Size option.
  7. The next thing to do is change the initial size and the maximum size to the recommended file size by Windows which you can find it in the section of “Total Paging File Size for All Drivers”.
  8. Now, you can click the SET option and then choose the OK button to save the settings that you have made
  9. After that, you can reboot your computer to let the changes for making an effect and fix the problem of Windows 10 slower than Windows 8.

This method is working for some users. However, if you find that this setting makes the worse performance, you can go back to this setting and then change it back to the system managed size. The other great idea is trying the next method that we will share below.


Fix Performa by Settings in the Performance Box

Yes, we called it classic because this second method is the old method, but it is quite good. This setting has been used since the Windows XP appearance. Although it is the old method, you can still apply this second method to the Windows 10. In addition, this classic solution is really helpful for speeding up the things on your Windows 10, especially if you have an old video card or machine with the less RAM on it. Read the complete instructions to do this second method below:

  1. First of all, search the Control Panel or you have to open the Control Panel menu’
  2. After that, click on the SYSTEM Option that is located there
  3. Then, click on the “Advanced System Settings” that you can find in the left column
  4. Under the option of Advanced Tab, you can click the option of “Settings in the Performance Box”

From that option, you need to uncheck some options. Usually, the options that are better to uncheck are as follows:

  • Animations in the taskbar
  • Animate Windows when maximizing and minimizing
  • Fade or slide menus into view
  • Enable peek (you can uncheck it or let it is checked)
  • Fade or slide tools tips into view
  • Slide open combo boxes
  • Fade out menu items after a click

Just try to uncheck the options above as an effort to solve the Windows 10 Slower than Windows 8.  Those are the methods that you can try. The users reported that those two ways are quite effective to solve this problem. That is why; have a try.


Why the Windows 10 slower than Windows 8?

After knowing about some methods to solve the Windows 10 slower than Windows 8, it is also beneficial to know why Windows 10 can be slower than Windows 8 is. Actually, there are some explanations for this case.

Traditionally, the Microsoft Windows is relatively slow if you compare it to its MS-DOS predecessor. Furthermore, Windows is an operating system that has to satisfy many kinds of different PC Brands in this world. What we mean here is that Windows is completely different to Apple where its operating system is just programmed for only a specific brand and computer system. That is why; based on this fact the Windows 10 can be slower. However, sometimes it can be also faster than the other Windows such as the Windows 7 and 8 at loading the drivers, system, running and many more again.

Besides based on the fact above, the Windows 10 slower than the Windows 8 issue can be also depended on how the Windows 10 computer is configured and also used. You have to know that there is a minimum requirement for resources, the sweet spot (16 GB of RAM) and also a designed maximum. It means that how many systems resources are used can be attached to the brand design and also the personal optimization that is done by the Windows 10 users.

Well, it is the explanation that we can share about the Windows 10 slower than Windows 8 and why it can happen. We hope that you get the answer that you are looking for and you can just try the two methods above to solve this issue or problem.

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